If you’ve spent much time with cats, you’ve probably dusted your share of fur off your clothes or vacuumed up plenty of fur or cat hair from other places. Shedding in cats is a normal thing that can be somewhat controlled with routine brushing. If your cat is losing excess amounts of fur or has patches of missing hair, it’s a good time to look a little deeper into what could be causing your cat to lose hair.
Excessive or persistent hair loss beyond shedding is known as alopecia, which causes patches of fur loss and a thin coat. There are many reasons that your cat could be suffering from hair or fur loss – allergies, fleas, ringworm, thyroid issues and more. The best place to start to get to the root of the problem is with your veterinarian. He or she can check out the area suffering from fur loss and test your cat for allergies and other issues that could be causing your cat to lose hair.
One of the more common causes for hair loss in cats is a skin allergy. Allergy tests can help your veterinarian pinpoint if your kitty is having an allergic reaction so a treatment plan can be developed.
Food allergies are less common than skin allergies and they can also cause hair loss. Look for patches of hair loss with itchy inflamed skin. If your vet determines there are food issues, he or she will work with you on changes to your cat’s diet.
Flea saliva is an irritant for cats and often causes crusty red bumps, hair loss and intense itching. Often the fleabites are in the hindquarter area of your cat. Flea and tick removal and prevention products should help your cat recover and prevent further outbreaks. Some cats need antihistamines or other medications to help control itching caused by a flea infestation.
Another parasite that can cause hair or fur loss in cats is ringworm, a fungus that can be picked up from other animals or the environment and it’s highly contagious to both pets and people. If your cat has ringworm, there will be scaly, crusty or red circular patches that have a red ring in the periphery of the hair loss area. Sometimes there are also brittle areas with patches of missing fur.
Your veterinarian will need to do a fungal culture to diagnose Ringworm. Treatments range from anti-fungal shampoos to special creams and fungicides. Learn more about parasite prevention in this blog post.
Thyroid Disorder
Just like in people, thyroid issues can cause your cat to lose hair. About a third of the cats with hyperthyroidism – an overactive thyroid – will have excess hair loss. A blood test will help determine if your cat has thyroid disease. Medication can help manage the thyroid but some times surgery or radioactive iodine is needed for treatment.
Although rare, cats can also suffer from a thyroid deficiency called hypothyroidism. In this case, your cat’s coat may become dull, brittle and thin. Your cat will need a complete veterinary exam and lab tests that include a complete blood count, biochemistry and urinalysis. Prescription medication that is closely monitored by your veterinarian is needed for treatment.
Cat Psychogenic Alopecia
A less common reason your cat could be suffering from hair loss is called psychogenic alopecia. This results in excessive licking that is usually caused by stress or boredom. Behavior modification or medications help in cutting down the excessive licking.
There are a variety of other less common issues that can cause hair loss in cats. Two of these conditions are demodectic mange and congenital hypotrichosis. If your cat has abnormal hair or fur loss, you should consult with your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment options.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/