What to Do When Your Cat’s Food Has Been Recalled

Oh no! One of your friends told you the food you feed your cat has been recalled!!

First and foremost, don’t panic. Recalls happen for many different reasons. Sometimes the USDA forces a recall and often the manufacturer issues a voluntary recall before this happens.

Often a cat food recall is as simple as the food being low in a particular nutrient. This will not harm your kitty over a short period of time. Sometimes the recall is more serious, excess levels of chemicals in the food or salmonella are both common reasons for recalls.

This FDA website will list all recalled cat foods:


If you do not have a computer you can call the FDA at (888) 463-6332.

As you investigate the recall, make sure the lot number and expiration date of your cat’s food match the cat food being recalled. This is why it’s important to keep the original bag of food on hand. Sometimes only certain lots or types of food are recalled by a company and many of their other pet foods are still fine.

If you determine that the food you are feeding has been recalled, stop feeding the food. Then call your veterinarian. They may suggest you schedule a visit or they may tell you (depending on the reason for recall) that it’s nothing to worry about. 

Sadly there can be serious health risks to your loved one from contaminated cat food. Save all of your veterinary receipts for any treatment related to the recall. Call the cat food company and tell them you expect reimbursement for your veterinary bills. Most companies should tell you this is not a problem. If they tell you otherwise you may need to seek an attorney’s advice. Until everything is resolved keep the recalled food away from your cat but do not throw it out.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/

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