What is your cat trying to say to you? With the sway of its tail or the blink of an eye, your cat could be trying to tell you something. Your cat uses many different body signals to communicate with you.
Showing Their Tummy
When your cat is relaxed and comfortable, he or she may roll over to expose their fluffy stomach. However, this action can also mean that they are feeling defensive and are ready to fight if someone engages. You will be able to tell the difference between an aggressive belly display or a kind one by their ears and eyes. If their ears are pushed back and their pupils are larger than normal, leave your cat alone. If their pupils are small and they seem welcoming, your kitty is ready to cuddle.
The Fluttery Blink
If a cat gives you a soft and slow blink, this is a sign of true affection. In a cat’s world, closing ones eyes in the presence of someone is a display of trust and comfort.
An Active Tail
A cat’s tail can say a thousand words. When a cat holds their tail high, it symbolizes confidence. If your cat wraps his or her tail around your leg or another cat’s tail, it represents friendship and companionship. A tail tucked between the legs means insecurity or anxiousness.
Direct Stare
Humans may consider staring flattering, but to cats, it is a serious threat. When a cat’s eyes are dilated, they are ready to attack. If your cat seems to be asking for a stare-down, don’t engage! This can stress them out and make them aggressive.
Audio Cues
As a cat owner, you probably know that cats like to express themselves by using their vocal chords. Purring generally shows contentment and can also comfort them when they are anxious or scared. Chatting indicates friendliness. Growling, hissing, or yelling are their way of saying “stay away.”
If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/