Should I Microchip My Cat?

Implanting a microchip in your cat is a good idea. It’s inexpensive ($20 – $70), safe, and may one day save your kitty’s life.  

A microchip is a passive, integrated transponder about the size of a grain of rice. The implant process is relatively painless, especially if done while your kitty is under anesthesia for another procedure. The microchip is placed just under the skin and between your cat’s shoulder blades.

After implanted remember to take the time and register your pet in the database. Your veterinarian will give you information on how to do this. Unfortunately many owners forget to register their cat. If your unregistered cat is lost the microchip will be useless.

A microchip may save your cat’s life. If your kitty is lost but has a registered microchip implanted, then any shelter can scan your cat and immediately know they belong to you.

There is really no good reason not to microchip your cat. Doing so will provide you peace of mind and may one day help return your kitty to you if lost. Any veterinarian can implant a microchip; ask at your cat’s next routine visit.

Remember April 14 to 20 is National Pet ID Week!

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here :

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