Your cat has received an anesthetic in order to have surgery. Each patient is unique and we have chosen a set of anesthetic agents appropriate to the health issues that your particular cat faces. Since we choose the safest agents for each individual, each patient may receive a slightly different anesthetic protocol. Some cats may have injectable medications, some may have gas anesthetic and some may have both.
Here are some recommendations to follow:
1. Your cat may feel disoriented, and not recognize you right away, so approach him or her slowly and quietly.
2. Your cat may be groggy for a number of hours after the anesthetic and should be confined to a small room away from other pets, children, and stairs until he has regained his sense of balance.
3. One of your cat’s legs may have a shaved area with a bandage on it. This is where the I.V. (intravenous) catheter was placed to administer medications. You may remove the bandage after 2-4 hours at home. (Yes kitty’s fur will grow back!)
4. You may offer food and water in very small amounts after your cat has settled down at home for at least an hour. Wait another hour before offering more.
5. His scrotum may still look “full” after the surgery because of tissue swelling. It also may have a little yellow antibiotic powder on it.
6. A tiny amount of blood spotting can be expected in the first 12 hours after surgery.