If you live with an indoor only cat, chances are you may not necessarily have put a lot of thought into parasite prevention. Unfortunately, all cats are at risk for parasites, even if your cat never leaves your home. That’s why it’s so important to come up with a parasite prevention plan with your veterinarian before you have any problems.
Why should I be concerned about parasites with an indoor only cat?
All parasites need to travel into your home is a good host. That could be on your family dog, personal items or even on you. Fleas and ticks in particular like to hitch a ride into your home and the mosquitoes that carry Heartworm also tend to make it inside with very little effort.
How can I tell if my cat has a flea or tick infestation?
Cats are such fastidious groomers you often will not be able to tell. Check out the fur on your cat’s belly for signs of fleas. Ticks are spotted easily around the eyes and ears. Flea and tick combs are useful in helping you check your cat. Always watch your cat for excess scratching to see if a parasite may be the problem.
Why should I be concerned about fleas and ticks?
Both fleas and ticks are carriers for a variety of diseases that can affect pets and people. One of the most common parasites that can be passed to cats from fleas is tapeworm. Tapeworms attach themselves to your cat’s intestine after your cat ingests an infected flea.
Another common problem in cats is flea allergy dermatitis. This causes itchy, scratchy skin and hair loss. There are other problems with fleas. Kittens, elderly cats and those with health problems have been known to become anemic after losing too much blood to fleas. Anemia can be fatal to any animal with a weak immune system.
Ticks are also an issue with cats. They carry Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, tulameria and cytauxzoonosis. All of these diseases can spread to cats.
What about Heartworm?
Heartworm is carried by mosquitoes. All cats, even indoor kitties, are at risk for heartworm disease. Mosquitoes become carriers for Heartworm after biting an infected dog. They pick up larvae called microfilariae, which is injected into a cat when a mosquito bites. That larvae makes its way into a cats lungs where it causes inflammation that can trigger breathing problems in cats.
Heartworm disease mimics asthma in cats and is called HARD (Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease). Symptoms of this disease are: seizures, vomiting, weight loss and lethargy. A simple blood test will help determine if your cat is infected. There is no easy fix for heartworm in cats. The disease is treated symptomatically until their body clears the infection. That’s why it’s so important to focus on prevention.
What are some other internal parasites that could be a problem for my cat?
Heartworms are not the only worms that can cause issues with your cat. Some common intestinal parasites – roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms – may grow in your cat’s intestines and can cause illness in people. Coccidia and giardia are common single cell organisms that can spread to people and other pets. Cats are also at risk for whipworm and lungworm.
There is a fear of the spread of toxoplasmosis in cats. However, few indoor cats come into contact with that parasite unless they are exposed to a raw diet. You are more likely to get toxoplasmosis from eating vegetables that aren’t properly cleaned or undercooked meat.
How can I tell if my cat is carrying a parasite?
Often you cannot tell if your cat has a parasite. A cat suffering from parasites may have vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, decreased appetite and other symptoms. The best way for your veterinarian to diagnosis parasites is through a fecal exam once a year (for indoor cats) or twice a year (for outdoor kitties).
How can I prevent my cat from getting parasites?
There are a variety of preventative products on the market. The most effective are prescribed by your veterinarian and used monthly. Some of the more popular medications are Heartgard, Revolution, Advantage and Frontline.
Talk to your vet during your cat’s annual check-up about the best parasite prevention based on your household and possible exposure to various parasites. Current treatments are administered once a month as a medicated treat or topical liquid. These treatments are easy to use and safer than the messy dips, sprays and shampoos that have been popular in the past.
Keeping your cat on routine parasite prevention should keep him or her parasite free for the long haul and prevent other health issues from developing in your cat.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/