Help !! My Cat is Not Using the Litter Box!

 Finding urine or stool outside of the litter box can be extremely troubling. Knowing your cat is not using the litter box properly can be downright scary. You never know when your cat will choose to not use the litter box or where your cat will choose to urinate or defecate.

Some people see their cat not using the litter box as naughty or bad behavior. They will scold their cat for not using the litter box which can make the situation even worse. Cats want to use the litter box. Cats like to use the litter box. When your cat is not using the litter box that shows us something is wrong.

When your cat is not using the litter box the first step is to rule out any physical illness. Sometimes a cat can look and act absolutely fine, but still be sick. So the first step when your cat is not using the litter box is to see a veterinarian.

 When your cat is not using the litter box for urination, ruling out illness such as a urinary tract infection, a kidney infection, bladder crystals and stones, and other health problems is a first step. When your cat is not using the litter box for stool, then ruling out constipation, parasites, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disease, kidney disease, and other illness is important.

 If your cat’s health is fine and all problems have been ruled out then it’s time to look for other reasons why your cat is not using the litter box. The following guidelines are a first step in resolving the reason for your cat not using the litter box:

  • Have as many litter boxes as cats in the house, plus one.
  • Use unscented, finer textured litter.
  • If your cat is elderly or has mobility problems use a litter box with low sides.
  • Use an uncovered box that lets odors escape and allows a 360 degree view of your cat’s surroundings.
  • Choose a location for your cat’s litter boxes that is quiet, private, separate from your cat’s feeding area, and accessible 24 hours a day.
  • Place the litter boxes in different areas of the house. If you have multiple levels in your home put a box on each level.
  • Scoop the litter box daily. Add new litter to replace the amount removed.
  • Do not use plastic liners in the litter box.
  • Once weekly dump the litter box entirely and scrub with warm, soapy water. Do not use bleach or other chemicals.
  • Once every six months replace the litter box with a new one.

 Many behavioral issues causing your cat to not use the litter box can be resolved by following the above guidelines. If after all these methods are tried and your cat is still not using the litter box, your veterinarian may prescribe a medication to help with the behavior problem causing your cat to not use the litter box. If your cat does not currently have a problem with not using the litter box then the above guidelines can help ensure your cat will not develop a litter box aversion problem.

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