It happens to all of our pets. Our active cats start to slow down a bit and before you know it, they are considered seniors. Indoor cats often live to be 15 or older and cats are actually considered seniors around 8. As they get older, they face a variety of ailments associated with being a senior – arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disease and heart issues.
When cats hit senior status, it’s important to make sure they see their veterinarian at least twice a year. Keep track of subtle changes in your cat’s behavior. Those changes are often signs that something may be changing in your cat’s health.
If your pet is slowing down, you can take a few steps around the house to make life easier for your cat. From working on mobility issues to working on their diet, taking proper steps with the guidance of your vet can help your cat live a long, healthy life.
Dietary changes
Just like with people, your cat’s dietary needs will change as he or she ages. Work with your vet to make sure you are feeding your cat a well-balanced diet and find out if a special diet may be needed if your cat has kidney disease or other developing health issues.
Even if your cat has a well-balanced diet, he may be missing out on key vitamins and minerals that could make him feel better. Probiotics help balance out the good and bad bacteria in your cat’s system. Joint supplements with Glucosamine and Chondroitin can help rebuild cartilage, easing the pain from arthritis. Check with your vet before adding supplements to your cat’s diet and also to see what other supplements could benefit an aging kitty.
Heated bed
A warm cozy bed goes a long way in easing achy bones. There are a variety of heated beds and heating pads on the market specifically for pets. Look for beds that turn on only when there is weight on it – like your cat sitting or sleeping on the bed. You can also look for pet orthopedic beds that offer a more support than a regular pet bed.
Steps and ramps
As your cat ages, she may not be able to jump up to here favorite places – like your bed, lap or her window spot – any longer. Many pet stores sell a variety of steps and some ramps that make it much easier for your pet to come and go from her favorite spots.
Just like with people, cats eyes age and seeing can be more difficult. Consider plugging in nightlights around your home so your cat can find his way around more easily after dark. There are many lights on the market that turn on when a room darkens, saving energy. You may also want to consider leaving on a low voltage light near their food.
Food and water
You may want to consider a slightly raised food bowl for your cat. Also, make sure your cat has water sources in more than one area of the house. Pet water fountains supply a fresh source of cool water and are more inviting for cats than water in a bowl.
Re-evaluate litter boxes
If your cat is having mobility issues, you may want to think about additional litter boxes in the house so he doesn’t have to travel so far to use the litter box. There should be a box on each level of your home and opposite ends of the house. Also, consider a low-sided litter box if your cat has a hard time climbing into the current box. If you have a multi-cat house, make sure your senior kitty has exit routes from each litter box area.
Senior cats are very sensitive to brushing because their skin is delicate. As they age, you may want to evaluate how your cat reacts to different types of brushes. Choosing a softer bristle brush for your kitty may be necessary. You may also want to purchase pet wipes if your cat is not grooming herself as well as she used to.
Senior cats still like to play, just not as frequently. Make sure you still offer them play sessions and move a bit more slowly so sudden movement does not startle them. Slower movement also gives your cat more reaction time during play.
Cats are great at masking health issues. As they age, it’s more important than ever to watch for subtle changes in her behavior. The little things are often signs that something more serious is brewing for your cat. When in doubt, check with your vet.
November is Adopt-A-Senior Pet Month and National Senior Pet Month.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here :