Feline Chin Acne

Feline chin acne can often be mistaken for just a “dirty chin”. This dirty look is caused by scabs and crusts stemming from infected hair follicles and plugged oil glands. Your cat’s chin may be swollen and painful. Sadly because of the pain, your cat may even stop eating.


The exact cause of feline chin acne is still unknown. In multiple cat homes when more than one cat at a time has a flare up the current thought is this condition may be contagious. This could be a result of an infectious bacteria, fungus and or microscopic mites passing from cat to cat. Diagnostic tests should be done by your veterinarian to help determine the cause. In a single cat household feline chin acne is often labeled “idiopathic” or without known cause. Cats that have allergies and inflammatory conditions in the body (like inflammatory bowel disease) seem to be more susceptible to feline chin acne. There are 2 breeds the “Sphynx” and the “Rex” that often have defects in the way their skin produces oil. These defects can lead to feline chin acne.


First, cats that have feline chin acne should not eat or drink from plastic bowls. The plastic is not thought to be a cause of the condition but if a cat has feline chin acne the plastic seems to encourage more frequent flare ups. So replace all plastic with glass, ceramic, or stainless steel. These bowls should be washed daily.

When dealing with a mild case of feline chin acne, the treatment may involve application of medicated pads and/or cleaning your cat’s chin with a medicated shampoo. Sometimes topical as well as oral antibiotics and steroids (to decrease inflammation) may be used.

In more severe cases, cats with oozy red spots, pustules and boils may need to have their chin shaved, cleaned and gently lanced under anesthesia to help with this problem. At this point their chin is very painful and pain medications will likely be added to the list. In the most severe cases the chin may take 6-8 weeks to heal.


Cats normally recover well from feline chin acne. Remember to make the switch in food and water bowls. Also keep in mind, a visit to the veterinarian may result in early diagnosis. This means the condition is easier to resolve, less expensive and saves your kitty from dealing with the pain associated with feline chin acne.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/

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