Easter Safety Tips For Your Cat

easter cat


All of the Easter holiday joys come with potential safety hazards that can harm your cat. Here are some safety concerns to be aware of for your cat on Easter.


  • Chocolate can be toxic or even fatal to your cat. Be sure to keep all chocolate treats in a safe place away from your cat.
  • All parts of the Easter Lily plant are very toxic to cats. If your cat consumes even a small amount of the plant, flowers, or water the plant is in, it can cause severe poisoning and kidney damage.
  • Holiday dinners can also cause illness to your cat. Onions, grapes, and raisins can be toxic. Table scraps should not be fed to your cat as even non-toxic foods can cause gastrointestinal upset.
  • Cats often chew or eat fake Easter grass that is inside the Easter basket. Ingestion of Easter grass can cause serious complications and obstructions which may require surgery.
  • Alcohol can be very dangerous to your cat. Make sure to keep all drinks, used cups, and even empty cans in a safe place where your cat cannot get to them.
  • Your cat may slip outside when guests come over for Easter. Keep a close eye on your kitty when people are coming and going.

Keep these tips in mind during the upcoming holiday and have a happy Easter!!

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/

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