Category Archives: Vet Visits

Cats Benefit From Low-Stress Handling During Veterinary Visits

Benefits When a cat is overly stressed at the veterinarian’s office, it’s often difficult for your cat’s doctor to conduct a proper wellness examination. The stress can have a negative impact on blood pressure, heart rate and other tests. By … Continue reading

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Pet Sitters Versus Boarding Your Cat

You’re getting ready for your family vacation and have planned everything down to the last detail. What about the family cat? There are plenty of options with pet sitters to boarding your cat at either a kennel or your veterinarian. … Continue reading

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How Much Does a Cat Declaw Cost?

Expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a declaw depending on the age and weight of your cat. A young cat whose declaw is done while already under anesthesia for a spay or castration will be less expensive. As … Continue reading

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Is it Safe to Have My Cat’s Teeth Cleaned?

A yearly dental cleaning is one of the more important parts of your companion’s health care. Sadly by age three the majority of cats have dental disease. If your kitty is in good health and your veterinarian has checked your … Continue reading

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How Much Does A Cat Dental Cleaning Cost

Yearly dental cleanings for your cat are very important. By age 3 over seventy percent of cats have dental disease. Knowing what a dental procedure costs allows you to plan early and work this into your budget. A dental cleaning … Continue reading

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Cat Friendly Veterinarian Certification

The American Association of Feline Practitioners has developed a certification for veterinary practices to become “feline friendly”. There are specific criteria that a certified Cat Friendly Practice must meet. Cat friendly veterinarians have met a standard of practice including the … Continue reading

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How Do I Get My Cat To The Vet?

Obviously it’s important to bring your kitty to the veterinarian. Unfortunately most cats do not enjoy the trip. There are little things we can do as owners to make the visit to the vet more acceptable to our feline companions. … Continue reading

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How To Find a Good Cat Veterinarian

Most of us want to take our family cat to a veterinarian we can trust and one who will take the best care of our kitty. Some detective work before your first visit will be well rewarded by finding a … Continue reading

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Kitten and Cat Vaccinations

Vaccinations are normally started at 8 weeks of age. Kittens receive upper respiratory and distemper combination vaccinations every 3-4 weeks until they are 16 weeks of age. Vaccinations for distemper and respiratory disease are extremely important in kittens. Distemper is … Continue reading

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Kitten/Cat/Feline Spay or Neuter/Castration

Spaying is for female cats while neutering/castration is for male cats. If boy cats are not neutered, they can be very difficult to live with. They want to get out of the house because of one thing on their mind … Continue reading

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