Category Archives: Cat Safety Tips

2014 Holiday Safety Tips For Your Cat

  Here are some important tips for a safe and joyous holiday season for you and your cat:   Keep cats away from Christmas tree water. It can contain fertilizer and bacteria that could upset your cat’s stomach or cause … Continue reading

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2014 Cold Weather Safety For Cats

  As the cold weather approaches the safety of your cat is very important. Here are some helpful tips to keep your cat safe and warm this winter     Before starting your car check under the hood, underneath your … Continue reading

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Why do Cats Purr?

Nothing is more satisfying than a purr-filled cuddle session with your favorite feline. You may wonder why cats purr, and what it means.The science behind purring has fascinated people for years, and is still being debated about today. What it means … Continue reading

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Can I Feed My Cat Milk?

Generally speaking, cats should not drink milk. Starting at a young age, cats have difficulty digesting lactose (milk sugar). You should not feed a kitten milk, but if you desire to give treats to your older cats, there are a … Continue reading

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What is My Cat Trying to Tell Me? – Feline Body Language

What is your cat trying to say to you? With the sway of its tail or the blink of an eye, your cat could be trying to tell you something. Your cat uses many different body signals to communicate with you. … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Hide?

They sit and wait, ready to pounce on your ankles. They hide up high and down low in pure darkness. Cats that hide have many different reasons to do so. Cats that are in the hunting mood may tend to … Continue reading

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Winter Safety For Cats 2014

It’s been a cold and snowy winter and temperatures are expected to dip even lower. Even if your cat never leaves the house, it’s a good time to assess winter safety for your cat and other pets in your neighborhood … Continue reading

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2014 New Year’s Resolutions For Cats

As we ring in the New Year, many of us start the year off with resolutions – from losing weight to exercising to a variety of other things. But what about your cat? While cats are not able to make … Continue reading

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New Year’s Eve Cat Safety Tips

It’s time to ring in the New Year and the big question is – how will those holiday plans affect your cat? If you’re hosting a party, you need to keep in mind that a lot of the things that … Continue reading

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2013 Holiday Safety Tips For Your Cat

Christmas is right around the corner and it’s time to get out the decorations and get set for some holiday entertaining. If you have a cat in the house, the holidays can present added dangers for your pet. However, if … Continue reading

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