Category Archives: Cat Care Tips
How To Trim Your Cat’s Nails
Use nail clippers approved for use in pets. Nail trimming may be easier for cats that are used to their paws being handled. Touching, gently massaging and handling your cat’s feet during normal petting time will help your cat get … Continue reading
Halloween Dangers for Cats
It’s that time of the year again, costumes, pumpkins and trick-or-treaters. Fall is in the air and Halloween is back. This list of potential Halloween dangers will help you protect your kitty. 1) Chocolate Chocolate contains Theobromine. This can cause … Continue reading
Cat Declaw/Declawing and Alternatives
Cat moms and dads often have misconceptions about the reasons why their pets are clawing. Sometimes a cat’s clawing is thought to be naughty, bad or inappropriate behavior. There are 3 or 4 reasons why felines naturally claw. One, … Continue reading
What’s That You Say – Brush My Cat’s Teeth!?
Brushing your cat’s teeth is the main component of home care. The purpose of this is to remove plaque before it becomes tartar. Plaque is the coating on the teeth that includes bacteria, saliva and food particles that adheres to … Continue reading
Help !! My Cat is Not Using the Litter Box!
Finding urine or stool outside of the litter box can be extremely troubling. Knowing your cat is not using the litter box properly can be downright scary. You never know when your cat will choose to not use the litter … Continue reading