Category Archives: Cat Care Tips

Why Do Cats Hide?

They sit and wait, ready to pounce on your ankles. They hide up high and down low in pure darkness. Cats that hide have many different reasons to do so. Cats that are in the hunting mood may tend to … Continue reading

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Cat Play Fighting vs True Aggression

Not sure if your cats are play wrestling or if they are about to break out into a full-blown fight? The key to answering this question is to watch and listen for the signs that differentiate one type of argument … Continue reading

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Help Make Life Easier For Your Senior Cat

It happens to all of our pets. Our active cats start to slow down a bit and before you know it, they are considered seniors. Indoor cats often live to be 15 or older and cats are actually considered seniors … Continue reading

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How To Keep Your Cat Cool In The Summer

As the heat and humidity return for the last blast of summer, we may forget to keep an eye on our family cat. As the temperature rises, it’s a good time to remember that you are not the only one … Continue reading

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What to Do When Your Cat’s Food Has Been Recalled

Oh no! One of your friends told you the food you feed your cat has been recalled!! First and foremost, don’t panic. Recalls happen for many different reasons. Sometimes the USDA forces a recall and often the manufacturer issues a … Continue reading

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How Much Does a Cat Declaw Cost?

Expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a declaw depending on the age and weight of your cat. A young cat whose declaw is done while already under anesthesia for a spay or castration will be less expensive. As … Continue reading

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Is it Safe to Have My Cat’s Teeth Cleaned?

A yearly dental cleaning is one of the more important parts of your companion’s health care. Sadly by age three the majority of cats have dental disease. If your kitty is in good health and your veterinarian has checked your … Continue reading

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Valentine’s Dangers For Your Cat

Valentine’s Day is romantic and fun. Some of the things we enjoy on this holiday can be troublesome for our feline companions. Flowers We all think of roses on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately they can cause gastrointestinal upset in our feline … Continue reading

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How Do I Get My Cat To The Vet?

Obviously it’s important to bring your kitty to the veterinarian. Unfortunately most cats do not enjoy the trip. There are little things we can do as owners to make the visit to the vet more acceptable to our feline companions. … Continue reading

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Holiday Hazards For Cats

1) Fatty Foods : Foods that your cat does not usually eat can cause gastrointestinal upset. Some foods like chocolate are toxic to the cat. Avoid feeding your cat table scraps. If they must have a bite of turkey, choose … Continue reading

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