Category Archives: Need to Know Cat Info

Cat Play Fighting vs True Aggression

Not sure if your cats are play wrestling or if they are about to break out into a full-blown fight? The key to answering this question is to watch and listen for the signs that differentiate one type of argument … Continue reading

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Does My Cat Really Need to Travel in a Carrier?

The simple answer is yes. Although some cats enjoy being loose in the car, this can be a dangerous idea. Cats can easily be spooked by the sound of a horn, a large truck passing by or a quick start … Continue reading

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Is My Cat Sleeping Too Much?

If you think your cat is sleeping a lot, you’re not off base. Cats tend to sleep in some form or another for 16 to 20 hours a day. A lot depends on your cat’s age and health. But, how … Continue reading

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Can My Cat Donate Blood

Just like people, sometimes cats are in need of a blood transfusion. Veterinary clinics (especially emergency and specialty clinics) are in need of donors so that they have blood on hand for emergency cases. By checking with your local specialty … Continue reading

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How to Read Your Cat’s Body Language

A twitching tail, a stare, or a head butt are just a few of the ways our cats use body language to communicate with us. Are you good at reading your cat’s body language? More than a few people have … Continue reading

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Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Cats will sneeze for any number of reasons just like people. A variety of issues could cause your cat to have sneezing attacks. If your cat sneezes infrequently, there may not be anything to worry about. If your cat sneezes … Continue reading

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Pet Sitters Versus Boarding Your Cat

You’re getting ready for your family vacation and have planned everything down to the last detail. What about the family cat? There are plenty of options with pet sitters to boarding your cat at either a kennel or your veterinarian. … Continue reading

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Why Is My Cat Losing Hair?

If you’ve spent much time with cats, you’ve probably dusted your share of fur off your clothes or vacuumed up plenty of fur or cat hair from other places. Shedding in cats is a normal thing that can be somewhat … Continue reading

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Parasites In The Indoor Only Cat.

If you live with an indoor only cat, chances are you may not necessarily have put a lot of thought into parasite prevention. Unfortunately, all cats are at risk for parasites, even if your cat never leaves your home. That’s … Continue reading

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What to Do When Your Cat’s Food Has Been Recalled

Oh no! One of your friends told you the food you feed your cat has been recalled!! First and foremost, don’t panic. Recalls happen for many different reasons. Sometimes the USDA forces a recall and often the manufacturer issues a … Continue reading

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