Category Archives: Need to Know Cat Info

Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

  Have you ever been sitting down with your cat on your lap and all of a sudden she starts licking you? Here are some reasons why:   You Taste Good – Cats like the taste of our salty skin.  … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Knead Me?

Kneading refers to the rhythmic movement a cat makes by pushing its paws up and down onto a soft surface.  Cats usually use their front paws, although some cats will use their back paws as well. Nursing – Kittens perform … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Like Belly Rubs?

If your cat loves it when you rub her belly, take it as a compliment. It means that your cat wants attention and trusts you enough to touch her belly. Remember your cat’s belly is the most vulnerable spot on … Continue reading

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How Old is My Cat in Human Years?

The simple chart for indoor cats is as follows (cat age on left, human years on right) :  1 – 15                                  9 – 52   … Continue reading

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Why do Cats Purr?

Nothing is more satisfying than a purr-filled cuddle session with your favorite feline. You may wonder why cats purr, and what it means.The science behind purring has fascinated people for years, and is still being debated about today. What it means … Continue reading

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Can I Feed My Cat Milk?

Generally speaking, cats should not drink milk. Starting at a young age, cats have difficulty digesting lactose (milk sugar). You should not feed a kitten milk, but if you desire to give treats to your older cats, there are a … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Hide?

They sit and wait, ready to pounce on your ankles. They hide up high and down low in pure darkness. Cats that hide have many different reasons to do so. Cats that are in the hunting mood may tend to … Continue reading

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Can I Cook For My Cat?

For us humans, there is nothing better than a home-cooked meal. If made the proper way, it can be the same for cats. Cooking your cat’s meals may sound like a hassle, but it is relatively simple and could be … Continue reading

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When Were Cats Domesticated?

“As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat” (attributed to Ellen Perry Berkeley). When and how did wild cats become domestic animals? It’s taken scientists many years to figure this out, due to the similarities in domestic and wild … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?

Its physics really. Studies have shown that cats can fall from remarkable heights with incredible survival rates. It’s proven that cats can fall from as high as 32 stories and live to purr about it.  Here’s why: The Cat Righting Reflex … Continue reading

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