Can I Get Toxoplasmosis From My Cat?

It’s not likely unless you are pregnant or immunocompromised.

Toxoplasmosis gondii oocysts (the thing that infects you) must spend at least 24 hours – sometimes up to five days in the environment to become infectious to people.

Since most healthy cats groom themselves frequently it is unlikely the oocysts in feces would remain on their fur long enough to become infectious.

 Here are some general tips to avoid infection:

1)    Keep your cat inside and do not allow your cat to hunt.

2)    Avoid feeding your cat raw foods.

3)    Change the litter box daily and dispose of used litter in a sealed plastic bag.

4)     If your cat cannot adequately groom his or her self, have your kitty professionally groomed.

If you are pregnant or immunocompromised take these additional precautions:

1)    Do not handle stray cats or adopt new cats during your pregnancy or illness.          

2)    Take extra care to avoid contact with feces (wash hands).

3)    If you own a cat have someone else in the household scoop and change the litter box. If you must do this yourself, wear rubber gloves and wash your hands after.

Toxoplasmosis infection is relatively common in people. Most people however do not get it from their cat. Click here if you would like to see the most common ways of becoming infected. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here :

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