Generally speaking, cats should not drink milk. Starting at a young age, cats have difficulty digesting lactose (milk sugar). You should not feed a kitten milk, but if you desire to give treats to your older cats, there are a few alternatives.
After a cat is weaned, its body does not produce enough lactase. Lactase is the enzyme which helps to digest lactose. If your cat’s body is low on lactase, it won’t be able to break down the sugar in milk. The sugar then remains in the digestive system where bacteria cause it to ferment. This fermentation process is what produces gas, bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting. Although being unable to digest lactase sounds like a problem, it is very normal in cats and is not something to worry about.
Cats simply don’t need milk. Think about it, a cat’s natural diet would never consist of cow’s milk. Their ideal diet would be small rodents, birds, insects, small fish, etc. When looking for a special treat to give your cat, try these alternatives.
1. Catnip
2. Freeze Dried Chicken
Young kittens must have milk to survive. However, they should not ingest cow’s milk. This contains lactose that could affect your kitten negatively. Mother’s milk is always the best milk for your kitten because it contains the nutrients they need to grow and develop into cats. Like humans, a kitten’s diet should be mom’s milk for the first few weeks of their life. It is important to make sure that your cat has the right source of milk in this critical time of their life.
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