Cat Health Blog

Warm Packing Information For Cats

Warm packs are commonly recommended by veterinarians for use on chronic injuries or infected wounds and abscesses. Your veterinarian may recommend warm packing a wound or abscess to help it drain, but only after it has been treated. Warm packing … Continue reading

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Polydactyl Cats

If you count your cat’s toes, odds are there is a total of 18, with five toes on each front paw and four toes on each rear paw. If your cat is polydactyl, your cat may have as many as … Continue reading

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Easter Safety Tips For Your Cat

  All of the Easter holiday joys come with potential safety hazards that can harm your cat. Here are some safety concerns to be aware of for your cat on Easter.   Chocolate can be toxic or even fatal to … Continue reading

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Does My Cat Need A Bigger Litter Box?

Litter box size is very important! The rule is to have 1 litter box per cat and then 1 extra. One size does not fit all. You want to make sure that your cat has enough room to do his … Continue reading

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Does My Cat Have Ear Mites?

  Inflammation of the external ear canal, also known as Otitis Externa, is a very common reason for veterinary visits for cats and kittens. Once the surface of the ear canal is damaged, bacteria or yeast inside and around the … Continue reading

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How Much Does an X-ray Cost For a Cat ?

X-rays are a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves. X-ray imaging creates pictures of the inside of your cat’s body. The images show the parts of your cat’s body in different shades of black and white. Different tissues absorb different … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Want To Play When I Want To Sleep?

MYTH: Cats are nocturnal. FACT: Night time and early morning are natural times for cats to be active and want to play. This is known as crepuscular behavior which means “those that are active primarily during dusk and dawn”. If … Continue reading

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How Does Your Cat Show Affection?

  Unlike dogs who will greet you with a sloppy kiss, cats have their own way of showing you their affection.  Cheek Rubbing – Cats will rub their cheeks on the corners of furniture or your legs and hands. This … Continue reading

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How To Introduce Cats To One Another

  A gradual introduction is important when bringing a new cat into your household. Personality traits can also be used to determine a good match. Here are some helpful hints to keep in mind when thinking of adding another cat … Continue reading

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How Much Does An Ultrasound Cost For A Cat

Ultrasound is a very useful diagnostic procedure. Ultrasound allows veterinarians a glimpse of how the internal organs of a cat are functioning. Ultrasound can detect abnormalities in a cat’s bladder, kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and even lymphnodes. Ultrasound images … Continue reading

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How Can I Stop My Cat From Scratching?

Many cat owners complain that their cats scratch carpets, furniture, drapes and door frames. Although scratching is very normal for cats,  this can be considered destructive behavior, which can result in the loss of valuable items.   Scratching is a … Continue reading

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How to Eliminate Litter Box Odors

  Cat owners spend millions of dollars a year on products designed to reduce or eliminate litter box odors. Here are some helpful tips:   The chief odor producer is urine. The ammonia-like smell results from the bacterial breakdown of … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Stare At Me?

  Cats stare at their humans for many reasons. The most common reason is because you are the center of their universe and they like to see what you are up to.  Sometimes a stare involves the opening and closing … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

  Have you ever been sitting down with your cat on your lap and all of a sudden she starts licking you? Here are some reasons why:   You Taste Good – Cats like the taste of our salty skin.  … Continue reading

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2014 Holiday Safety Tips For Your Cat

  Here are some important tips for a safe and joyous holiday season for you and your cat:   Keep cats away from Christmas tree water. It can contain fertilizer and bacteria that could upset your cat’s stomach or cause … Continue reading

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2014 Cold Weather Safety For Cats

  As the cold weather approaches the safety of your cat is very important. Here are some helpful tips to keep your cat safe and warm this winter     Before starting your car check under the hood, underneath your … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Knead Me?

Kneading refers to the rhythmic movement a cat makes by pushing its paws up and down onto a soft surface.  Cats usually use their front paws, although some cats will use their back paws as well. Nursing – Kittens perform … Continue reading

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Why Does My Cat Like Belly Rubs?

If your cat loves it when you rub her belly, take it as a compliment. It means that your cat wants attention and trusts you enough to touch her belly. Remember your cat’s belly is the most vulnerable spot on … Continue reading

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2014 Thanksgiving Safety For Cats

  As many celebrate a long holiday weekend with turkeys roasting and friends and family visiting, holiday dangers lurk for cats. To ensure a safe and happy Thanksgiving for all, cat owners should take a few extra precautions on behalf … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Meow?

  Frequent nighttime or early morning meowing is a fairly common complaint among cat owners.  Meows can express and evoke a sense of urgency for food or attention. Cats are crepuscular creatures. This means their nature is to hunt at … Continue reading

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How Old is My Cat in Human Years?

The simple chart for indoor cats is as follows (cat age on left, human years on right) :  1 – 15                                  9 – 52   … Continue reading

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2014 Halloween Safety for Your Cat

The black cat with an arched back is a popular symbol of Halloween. In reality, Halloween could be a very dangerous day for cats. The decorations, commotion and candy wrappers all add to the dangers and stress for your cat. … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Love Boxes and Bags?

Have you ever heard the saying ‘let the cat out of the bag’? Well, as you well know as a cat owner, that statement could not be any closer to reality. Almost every time a cat sees a bag or … Continue reading

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Why do Cats Purr?

Nothing is more satisfying than a purr-filled cuddle session with your favorite feline. You may wonder why cats purr, and what it means.The science behind purring has fascinated people for years, and is still being debated about today. What it means … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

The old fashioned term “the cat’s whiskers” means the height of perfection. No wonder we love our cats so much! Your cat’s whiskers have many functions alongside the fact that they add a unique look to our favorite felines. A … Continue reading

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Can I Feed My Cat Milk?

Generally speaking, cats should not drink milk. Starting at a young age, cats have difficulty digesting lactose (milk sugar). You should not feed a kitten milk, but if you desire to give treats to your older cats, there are a … Continue reading

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What is My Cat Trying to Tell Me? – Feline Body Language

What is your cat trying to say to you? With the sway of its tail or the blink of an eye, your cat could be trying to tell you something. Your cat uses many different body signals to communicate with you. … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Hide?

They sit and wait, ready to pounce on your ankles. They hide up high and down low in pure darkness. Cats that hide have many different reasons to do so. Cats that are in the hunting mood may tend to … Continue reading

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Can I Cook For My Cat?

For us humans, there is nothing better than a home-cooked meal. If made the proper way, it can be the same for cats. Cooking your cat’s meals may sound like a hassle, but it is relatively simple and could be … Continue reading

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When Were Cats Domesticated?

“As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat” (attributed to Ellen Perry Berkeley). When and how did wild cats become domestic animals? It’s taken scientists many years to figure this out, due to the similarities in domestic and wild … Continue reading

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Why Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?

Its physics really. Studies have shown that cats can fall from remarkable heights with incredible survival rates. It’s proven that cats can fall from as high as 32 stories and live to purr about it.  Here’s why: The Cat Righting Reflex … Continue reading

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Cat Play Fighting vs True Aggression

Not sure if your cats are play wrestling or if they are about to break out into a full-blown fight? The key to answering this question is to watch and listen for the signs that differentiate one type of argument … Continue reading

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Feline Anal Gland Impaction, Infection, and Abscess

Your cat has two small glands under its tail that are about the size of peas. These glands are referred to as anal glands or scent glands. Secretions from these glands mark your cat’s stool with an odor that identifies … Continue reading

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Does My Cat Really Need to Travel in a Carrier?

The simple answer is yes. Although some cats enjoy being loose in the car, this can be a dangerous idea. Cats can easily be spooked by the sound of a horn, a large truck passing by or a quick start … Continue reading

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National Pet Dental Health Month 2014 – Feline Dental Disease

Does your cat’s mouth seem a bit tender when touched or is she more cautious when she eats? Your cat may be suffering from dental disease. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 70 percent of cats show some sign … Continue reading

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Winter Safety For Cats 2014

It’s been a cold and snowy winter and temperatures are expected to dip even lower. Even if your cat never leaves the house, it’s a good time to assess winter safety for your cat and other pets in your neighborhood … Continue reading

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2014 New Year’s Resolutions For Cats

As we ring in the New Year, many of us start the year off with resolutions – from losing weight to exercising to a variety of other things. But what about your cat? While cats are not able to make … Continue reading

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New Year’s Eve Cat Safety Tips

It’s time to ring in the New Year and the big question is – how will those holiday plans affect your cat? If you’re hosting a party, you need to keep in mind that a lot of the things that … Continue reading

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Is My Cat Sleeping Too Much?

If you think your cat is sleeping a lot, you’re not off base. Cats tend to sleep in some form or another for 16 to 20 hours a day. A lot depends on your cat’s age and health. But, how … Continue reading

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2013 Holiday Safety Tips For Your Cat

Christmas is right around the corner and it’s time to get out the decorations and get set for some holiday entertaining. If you have a cat in the house, the holidays can present added dangers for your pet. However, if … Continue reading

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Can My Cat Donate Blood

Just like people, sometimes cats are in need of a blood transfusion. Veterinary clinics (especially emergency and specialty clinics) are in need of donors so that they have blood on hand for emergency cases. By checking with your local specialty … Continue reading

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Help Make Life Easier For Your Senior Cat

It happens to all of our pets. Our active cats start to slow down a bit and before you know it, they are considered seniors. Indoor cats often live to be 15 or older and cats are actually considered seniors … Continue reading

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Halloween 2013 Safety For Your Cat

The black cat with an arched back is a popular symbol of Halloween. In reality, Halloween is a very difficult day for many cats. The decorations, commotion, unfamiliar children, chocolates and candy wrappers all present added dangers and stress for … Continue reading

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Cats Benefit From Low-Stress Handling During Veterinary Visits

Benefits When a cat is overly stressed at the veterinarian’s office, it’s often difficult for your cat’s doctor to conduct a proper wellness examination. The stress can have a negative impact on blood pressure, heart rate and other tests. By … Continue reading

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How to Read Your Cat’s Body Language

A twitching tail, a stare, or a head butt are just a few of the ways our cats use body language to communicate with us. Are you good at reading your cat’s body language? More than a few people have … Continue reading

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Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Cats will sneeze for any number of reasons just like people. A variety of issues could cause your cat to have sneezing attacks. If your cat sneezes infrequently, there may not be anything to worry about. If your cat sneezes … Continue reading

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How To Keep Your Cat Cool In The Summer

As the heat and humidity return for the last blast of summer, we may forget to keep an eye on our family cat. As the temperature rises, it’s a good time to remember that you are not the only one … Continue reading

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Heat Related Health Problems For Cats

These hot dog days of summer can be very difficult on your cat, especially if he or she gets overheated. Heat-related health issues – like heat exhaustion and heat stroke – are not just problems for people, they are also … Continue reading

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Pet Sitters Versus Boarding Your Cat

You’re getting ready for your family vacation and have planned everything down to the last detail. What about the family cat? There are plenty of options with pet sitters to boarding your cat at either a kennel or your veterinarian. … Continue reading

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Why Is My Cat Losing Hair?

If you’ve spent much time with cats, you’ve probably dusted your share of fur off your clothes or vacuumed up plenty of fur or cat hair from other places. Shedding in cats is a normal thing that can be somewhat … Continue reading

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What Is a Cat’s Normal Heart Rate?

Just like with people, a cat’s heart rate could be an indicator that there is a health problem. It helps to know what the normal heart rate for a cat should be and how to check your cat’s heart rate … Continue reading

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Parasites In The Indoor Only Cat.

If you live with an indoor only cat, chances are you may not necessarily have put a lot of thought into parasite prevention. Unfortunately, all cats are at risk for parasites, even if your cat never leaves your home. That’s … Continue reading

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Fourth of July Celebrations: Advanced Planning Will Help Your Cat Have a Safe Holiday

It’s time for the annual Fourth of July celebration. For many families, it’s a fun few days of cookouts, parades and fireworks. For too many cats, it’s a stressful and potentially dangerous time. There are so many things that make … Continue reading

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What to Do When Your Cat’s Food Has Been Recalled

Oh no! One of your friends told you the food you feed your cat has been recalled!! First and foremost, don’t panic. Recalls happen for many different reasons. Sometimes the USDA forces a recall and often the manufacturer issues a … Continue reading

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Earth Day Recycled Toys for Your Cat

Earth day is 4-22! Do something green for your kitty.  Skip the toys in the store and try these. Here are some great cat toys from recycled items around your home. 1) Balled up Paper Bills: A great toy for … Continue reading

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Should I Microchip My Cat?

Implanting a microchip in your cat is a good idea. It’s inexpensive ($20 – $70), safe, and may one day save your kitty’s life.   A microchip is a passive, integrated transponder about the size of a grain of rice. … Continue reading

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Ways to Get Toxoplasmosis (It’s Probably Not From Your Cat).

Toxoplasmosis infection in people usually results from one of the following: 1) Handling or consuming undercooked or raw meat, most commonly pork. This is actually the most common cause of infection in North America. 2) Drinking raw milk. 3) Consuming … Continue reading

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Can I Get Toxoplasmosis From My Cat?

It’s not likely unless you are pregnant or immunocompromised. Toxoplasmosis gondii oocysts (the thing that infects you) must spend at least 24 hours – sometimes up to five days in the environment to become infectious to people. Since most healthy … Continue reading

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What is a Cat’s Normal Body Temperature?

A cat’s normal body temperature can range from 100.5 to 102.5° F 101.5° F  or 38.6° C being right in the middle and often referred to as a “normal” body temperature. Being that their body temperature is higher than ours they … Continue reading

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How Much Does a Cat Declaw Cost?

Expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a declaw depending on the age and weight of your cat. A young cat whose declaw is done while already under anesthesia for a spay or castration will be less expensive. As … Continue reading

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Is it Safe to Have My Cat’s Teeth Cleaned?

A yearly dental cleaning is one of the more important parts of your companion’s health care. Sadly by age three the majority of cats have dental disease. If your kitty is in good health and your veterinarian has checked your … Continue reading

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How Much Does A Cat Dental Cleaning Cost

Yearly dental cleanings for your cat are very important. By age 3 over seventy percent of cats have dental disease. Knowing what a dental procedure costs allows you to plan early and work this into your budget. A dental cleaning … Continue reading

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Valentine’s Dangers For Your Cat

Valentine’s Day is romantic and fun. Some of the things we enjoy on this holiday can be troublesome for our feline companions. Flowers We all think of roses on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately they can cause gastrointestinal upset in our feline … Continue reading

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Feline Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease in your kitty is an unseen enemy. A lot of people don’t even know that cats can develop heartworm disease. Indoor felines as well as outdoor felines can develop this parasitic infection. Heartworm disease is carried by the … Continue reading

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Cat Friendly Veterinarian Certification

The American Association of Feline Practitioners has developed a certification for veterinary practices to become “feline friendly”. There are specific criteria that a certified Cat Friendly Practice must meet. Cat friendly veterinarians have met a standard of practice including the … Continue reading

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How Do I Get My Cat To The Vet?

Obviously it’s important to bring your kitty to the veterinarian. Unfortunately most cats do not enjoy the trip. There are little things we can do as owners to make the visit to the vet more acceptable to our feline companions. … Continue reading

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Do Indoor Cats Need Yearly Check Ups?

Cats are naturally programmed to hide illness. If a cat acts sick in the wild they become a target for larger prey. Cats who live inside the home still possess this instinct to mask symptoms of disease. This can make … Continue reading

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Feline Diabetes

Feline diabetes (cat diabetes) is usually type 2 diabetes. Feline Diabetes normally occurs for 1 of 2 reasons. One, the cat does not make enough insulin, or two, the cat is insulin resistant or is resistant to the insulin it … Continue reading

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Feline Asthma

Does your kitty cough, gag, wheeze, or have difficulty breathing? Have you noticed weight loss or decreased appetite in your feline friend? These are all possible symptoms of feline asthma. Feline asthma is an inflammatory bronchial disease. This disease has … Continue reading

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Holiday Hazards For Cats

1) Fatty Foods : Foods that your cat does not usually eat can cause gastrointestinal upset. Some foods like chocolate are toxic to the cat. Avoid feeding your cat table scraps. If they must have a bite of turkey, choose … Continue reading

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Can Cats Have Pancreatitis?

First, what is the pancreas? The pancreas is a thin strip of tissue that runs along the duodenum (the beginning portion of the intestine as it leaves the stomach). The pancreas has two crucial functions. The endocrine part makes hormones, … Continue reading

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How Will My Cat Respond To Our New Baby

Congratulations! You are introducing a new baby human to your household. You may have some concerns, doubts and possibly some misconceptions concerning how your feline family member is going to accept this new little one. In most cases there is … Continue reading

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How To Trim Your Cat’s Nails

Use nail clippers approved for use in pets. Nail trimming may be easier for cats that are used to their paws being handled. Touching, gently massaging and handling your cat’s feet during normal petting time will help your cat get … Continue reading

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Feline Chin Acne

Feline chin acne can often be mistaken for just a “dirty chin”. This dirty look is caused by scabs and crusts stemming from infected hair follicles and plugged oil glands. Your cat’s chin may be swollen and painful. Sadly because … Continue reading

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How to Help Cats Live Together Peacefully

This post goes over how to introduce a new cat to your household. The rules are similar if you have to re-introduce cats that suddenly stopped getting along because of something stressful that happened between them. This can sometimes be … Continue reading

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Feline Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid gland is located in the neck and plays a very important role in regulating the body’s rate of metabolism.  Hyperthyroidism is a disorder characterized by the overproduction of thyroid hormone and a subsequent increase in the metabolic rate.  … Continue reading

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Halloween Dangers for Cats

It’s that time of the year again, costumes, pumpkins and trick-or-treaters. Fall is in the air and Halloween is back. This list of potential Halloween dangers will help you protect your kitty. 1) Chocolate Chocolate contains Theobromine. This can cause … Continue reading

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How To Find a Good Cat Veterinarian

Most of us want to take our family cat to a veterinarian we can trust and one who will take the best care of our kitty. Some detective work before your first visit will be well rewarded by finding a … Continue reading

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Cat Dental Cleaning / Cat Teeth Cleaning / Feline Dental Disease / Feline Oral Resorptive Lesions

  Our feline friends are prone to dental disease just like we are. They have trouble with plaque, gingivitis, tartar and even periodontal disease. On top of this, most cats don’t enjoy having us try to brush their teeth. Plaque, … Continue reading

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Kitten and Cat Vaccinations

Vaccinations are normally started at 8 weeks of age. Kittens receive upper respiratory and distemper combination vaccinations every 3-4 weeks until they are 16 weeks of age. Vaccinations for distemper and respiratory disease are extremely important in kittens. Distemper is … Continue reading

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Kitten/Cat/Feline Spay or Neuter/Castration

Spaying is for female cats while neutering/castration is for male cats. If boy cats are not neutered, they can be very difficult to live with. They want to get out of the house because of one thing on their mind … Continue reading

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Cat Declaw/Declawing and Alternatives

  Cat moms and dads often have misconceptions about the reasons why their pets are clawing. Sometimes a cat’s clawing is thought to be naughty, bad or inappropriate behavior. There are 3 or 4 reasons why felines naturally claw. One, … Continue reading

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Foods That Can Make Your Cat Sick

It may seem farfetched for cats to try and eat some of the following foods. Over the years however, we have seen it all, cats eating anything and everything  from cantaloupe to lettuce and olives. Some cats will beg endlessly … Continue reading

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Indoor Cats Need Exercise

Exercise is just as important for the health of your cat as it is for you. Most cats do not get anywhere near the amount of exercise or mental stimulation that they would get if they were wild animals. This … Continue reading

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What’s That You Say – Brush My Cat’s Teeth!?

Brushing your cat’s teeth is the main component of home care. The purpose of this is to remove plaque before it becomes tartar. Plaque is the coating on the teeth that includes bacteria, saliva and food particles that adheres to … Continue reading

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease in The Cat / Feline IBD

Inflammatory bowel disease is the most common cause of chronic vomiting and diarrhea in the cat. Cats may also have intermittent soft stools or blood and mucous in their stool.  Inflammatory bowel disease can affect cats of any age, breed … Continue reading

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Help !! My Cat is Not Using the Litter Box!

 Finding urine or stool outside of the litter box can be extremely troubling. Knowing your cat is not using the litter box properly can be downright scary. You never know when your cat will choose to not use the litter … Continue reading

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Is It Normal For My Cat To Vomit?

A hairball once or twice a year is not an abnormal occurrence. If your cat vomits in excess of this, let’s say a few times weekly or monthly then you kitty may have a problem. Cats should be able to … Continue reading

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High Blood Pressure – A Concern For My Cat?

The answer is maybe. Is your kitty over 8 years old? If yes, we recommend checking your cat’s blood pressure routinely. At 8 years of age we consider your cat a senior patient. As cats get older,  just like people … Continue reading

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