Obviously it’s important to bring your kitty to the veterinarian. Unfortunately most cats do not enjoy the trip. There are little things we can do as owners to make the visit to the vet more acceptable to our feline companions.
First we need to understand how our cat feels. Cats are creatures of habit. They have a very strict routine and like to keep it this way. Your cat’s carrier, the veterinary clinic and your car are certainly not part of this routine. The goal is to help our kitty become as comfortable as possible with these things.
Getting your cat used to the carrier :
1) Leave the carrier out in the open. Let your cat get used to the cat carrier. As it becomes part of the landscape it will not be nearly as frightening to your cat.
2) Make the carrier comfortable. Put a big fluffy towel in the cat carrier so if your cat chooses to go inside it will be warm and cozy.
3) Put treats, toys, and catnip in the carrier. This will make the carrier smell good and there will be rewards inside for when your cat investigates.
The process of getting your cat used to the carrier may be an extended one. It will most likely take weeks to months. After your cat is not so afraid, take him or her for a car ride. The first trip in the car could just be to the car. Bring your kitty out to the car in the carrier and set him or her in the back seat. Offer treats, rubs and soft verbal praises. The next trip a week later should be a short one around the block. Make these weekly car rides part of your cat’s routine.
What we can do at the vet :
1) First and foremost remain calm. When we get worked up our kitty can tell. The more nervous we are the more nervous they will be.
2) Cover your cat’s carrier until you get to the examination room. This will help your cat relax. The less scary things to look at the better.
3) Bring your cat’s favorite treats. Offer them at 5 – 10 minute intervals during the vet visit.
4) Let your cat explore the examination room if they want to. Give them a chance to look around instead of clutching them in your lap.
Coming back home to a multi-cat household :
1) Leave your cat in the carrier to see how the other cats react. If after 15 minutes everything seems fine go ahead and let your kitty out of the carrier.
2) If the other cats seem upset isolate the cat coming home for 24 hours. Make sure to offer food, water and a litter box. If after this time the cats still seem uncomfortable with one another you may need to make a slow reintroduction.
Just remember cats recognize other cats by smell and behavior. When your cat comes home from the vet both of these factors will have changed.
Following these recommendations can help make the trip to the vet less stressful on both you and your cat.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/