Congratulations! You are introducing a new baby human to your household. You may have some concerns, doubts and possibly some misconceptions concerning how your feline family member is going to accept this new little one.
In most cases there is very little to be concerned about. Your cat will be naturally curious about the new things in the house (blankets,beds,diapers,etc.). It is important to let him/her check them out (smell,touch). Once the baby arrives, most cats avoid it like “the plague” (babies smell “funny” to cats and make “disagreeable” noises).
Some cats do remain curious though. Let’s dispel an old myth – cat’s do not “suck the breath” out of babies. However, the cat should not be allowed to sleep with the baby until the baby can roll over easily, lift its head, etc. Your personal feelings and the personality of the cat will determine whether you allow your cat to sleep with the baby at that point. A cat’s claws are extended when the cat is startled and could cause unintended injury. Keeping all claws trimmed is highly advisable (even the rear ones).
If you do not feel comfortable with your cat in the baby’s room, the best way to keep him/her out is to install a screen door on the baby’s room with a latch. The screen door allows you to observe and hear your baby easily. Your cat can see and smell but not touch.
The most important concept to keep in mind is that your cat has mixed feelings over the baby :
- Curiosity : It’s important to allow your cat to satisfy this feeling or it could turn into fear and feelings of rejection.
- Jealousy : Your cat may become jealous of the attention paid to the baby and decreased attention to your feline friend.
- Feeling threatened : The new baby in the home is a foreign creature to your cat. This creature is taking over areas of your cat’s territory ie. the baby’s room.
Find some time to spend with your cat. Try not to change too many other things. For instance :
Location of the litter box.
Location of the cat’s bed.
Location of feeding station/area etc.
Talk in soothing tones to your kitty. Avoid “shooing” him/her away.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here :