How Does Your Cat Show Affection?


Unlike dogs who will greet you with a sloppy kiss, cats have their own way of showing you their affection.


  •  Cheek Rubbing – Cats will rub their cheeks on the corners of furniture or your legs and hands. This secretes oils from their facial glands and is their way of claiming you as their own.
  • Tail Twitching – Your cat can express love to you by having her tail up in the air and twitching the very tip.
  • Head Butting – Your cat will face you, lower her head, and lean forward to head butt you . This loving act of affection can often release hormones called endorphins in you and your cat.
  • Purring - When cats purr it usually means they are happy and content.
  • Sitting On You – Cats love warm places to nap and sleep. When your cat sits on you that means she prefers being with you versus in her bed or by herself.
  • Kneading – Just like when your cat was a kitten and kneaded her mother while nursing, cats knead as a sign of love and comfort.
  • Licking And Grooming – Cats show their affection by licking and grooming other cats. If your cat licks and grooms you she is showing her affection for you.
  • Bringing Gifts – After a successful hunt your cat may bring you a dead mouse or bird. This is a true sign of affection and friendship.
  • Tummy Up – Cats only show their tummies to those they trust. This is a sign that your cat feels loved and protected.
  • Following You – When your cat follows you from room to room it is a sign that she is interested in you and wants to be with you all the time.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here :

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