Monthly Archives: July 2014

Why Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?

Its physics really. Studies have shown that cats can fall from remarkable heights with incredible survival rates. It’s proven that cats can fall from as high as 32 stories and live to purr about it.  Here’s why: The Cat Righting Reflex … Continue reading

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Cat Play Fighting vs True Aggression

Not sure if your cats are play wrestling or if they are about to break out into a full-blown fight? The key to answering this question is to watch and listen for the signs that differentiate one type of argument … Continue reading

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Feline Anal Gland Impaction, Infection, and Abscess

Your cat has two small glands under its tail that are about the size of peas. These glands are referred to as anal glands or scent glands. Secretions from these glands mark your cat’s stool with an odor that identifies … Continue reading

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