2014 Thanksgiving Safety For Cats


As many celebrate a long holiday weekend with turkeys roasting and friends and family visiting, holiday dangers lurk for cats. To ensure a safe and happy Thanksgiving for all, cat owners should take a few extra precautions on behalf of their cats.

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  • Avoid Feeding Cats Table Scraps – Feeding cats greasy foods and sweets can overwhelm their  digestive  system, causing vomiting and diarrhea.  Turkey bones can splinter and if ingested, can cause serious injury to a cat’s intestinal tract.
  • Onions – Most of the holiday foods are prepared with onions which are toxic to cats and can even be fatal.  Onions destroy red blood cells which can result in Heinz body anemia.
  • Take Extra Precaution With Candles – Cats may bump into or rub up against a table that has a candle on it.  Keep candles in a location where cats cannot get near them.
  • Close Oven Doors Quickly – A cat looking for a warm place to hide may try and seek refuge in an oven.
  • Secure Trash Bins – Cats may try to get into the trash and dig for holiday leftovers.  Keep trash lids tightly closed and in locations where they can’t be tipped over.

By taking these few precautionary measures, Thanksgiving feast and festivities can be safe for you, friends and family, and of course your cat.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://northernilcatcliniccom.web.siteprotect.net/schedule-appointment/

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