Monthly Archives: April 2013

What to Do When Your Cat’s Food Has Been Recalled

Oh no! One of your friends told you the food you feed your cat has been recalled!! First and foremost, don’t panic. Recalls happen for many different reasons. Sometimes the USDA forces a recall and often the manufacturer issues a … Continue reading

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Earth Day Recycled Toys for Your Cat

Earth day is 4-22! Do something green for your kitty.  Skip the toys in the store and try these. Here are some great cat toys from recycled items around your home. 1) Balled up Paper Bills: A great toy for … Continue reading

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Should I Microchip My Cat?

Implanting a microchip in your cat is a good idea. It’s inexpensive ($20 – $70), safe, and may one day save your kitty’s life.   A microchip is a passive, integrated transponder about the size of a grain of rice. … Continue reading

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Ways to Get Toxoplasmosis (It’s Probably Not From Your Cat).

Toxoplasmosis infection in people usually results from one of the following: 1) Handling or consuming undercooked or raw meat, most commonly pork. This is actually the most common cause of infection in North America. 2) Drinking raw milk. 3) Consuming … Continue reading

Posted in Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatments, Need to Know Cat Info | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Can I Get Toxoplasmosis From My Cat?

It’s not likely unless you are pregnant or immunocompromised. Toxoplasmosis gondii oocysts (the thing that infects you) must spend at least 24 hours – sometimes up to five days in the environment to become infectious to people. Since most healthy … Continue reading

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