Monthly Archives: March 2013
What is a Cat’s Normal Body Temperature?
A cat’s normal body temperature can range from 100.5 to 102.5° F 101.5° F or 38.6° C being right in the middle and often referred to as a “normal” body temperature. Being that their body temperature is higher than ours they … Continue reading
How Much Does a Cat Declaw Cost?
Expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a declaw depending on the age and weight of your cat. A young cat whose declaw is done while already under anesthesia for a spay or castration will be less expensive. As … Continue reading
Is it Safe to Have My Cat’s Teeth Cleaned?
A yearly dental cleaning is one of the more important parts of your companion’s health care. Sadly by age three the majority of cats have dental disease. If your kitty is in good health and your veterinarian has checked your … Continue reading
How Much Does A Cat Dental Cleaning Cost
Yearly dental cleanings for your cat are very important. By age 3 over seventy percent of cats have dental disease. Knowing what a dental procedure costs allows you to plan early and work this into your budget. A dental cleaning … Continue reading